Is my baby monitor safe?
There’s nothing more important than being safe in the knowledge the room where your baby sleeps is a secure, restful haven.
But the fact is, if you have a baby monitor in the room, it might not be.
In this helpful article we will answer the question many parents are asking, ‘ is my baby monitor safe?’
We will delve into different types of monitors, the types of safety issues you might encounter, and more importantly what you can do for peace of mind to know your precious little one can sleep safely.
Let’s start with an overview before we head into a few more details.
In general, intercom type baby monitors are safer than the internet-enabled type of monitor. This is because baby monitors that work via the internet and wifi can be hacked by cybercriminals and also emit harmful radioactive waves (EMFs) that can be detrimental to a baby’s health and development.
Ok, so with the short answer in mind, let’s start by discovering the different types of baby monitors that are available so you can easily understand if your baby monitor is safe.
Two types of baby monitors:
Intercom type: There are two major kinds of baby monitors out there. The first is a simple intercom-style baby monitor that works like a walkie-talkie.
Internet-enabled: This type of monitor integrates with your smartphone via your wireless router over WiFi.
Intercom baby monitor

These are the older walkie-talkie/intercom-type, baby monitors. In terms of hacking by intruders and any issues from EMF (electromagnetic frequency). These types of baby monitors are generally the safest kind. The reason for this is twofold: with regards to harmful electromagnetic rays, they, of course, aren’t connected to any kind of device or use WiFi. Secondly, their range is quite small, so for instance, if you were standing in your driveway, you probably wouldn’t get a connection. This makes it difficult for intruders to hijack the frequency, as they would have to be extremely close to the device in order to do this.
Your video baby monitor works by connecting to your home wireless router, which is usually connected to the internet. When an attacker gets administrative access to your router, all your devices, (including your baby monitor) may be compromised. Most baby monitors are configured by accessing administrative rights via your router. If a hacker gets access to your router, they can alter the security settings of your baby monitor. Alongside the issues with security, a wider safety issue regarding EMF can be dangerous to your sleeping baby for any baby monitor which is linked up to your home Wifi.
‘EMF can be dangerous to your sleeping baby if your baby monitor is linked up to your home WiFi.’
How are baby monitors hacked?
For anyone wondering whether a baby monitor is safe, it’s worth understanding a little more about how cyber intruders can hack in.
Unauthorized access
An attack via unauthorized internet access to your router is the least likely to occur. All routers use Network Address Translation (NAT) to filter out unauthorized incoming traffic.
Remote access
An attack via remote access to your router is the most common way.
In the same way that you can set up your baby monitor to be accessed via the internet, you can have your router’s administration page accessible via a wide area network or the internet.
This is instead of accessing your router’s configuration page by connecting to it directly via a wired or wireless connection.
Simply just disable this feature on your router’s settings page. If you don’t ever remember enabling it, then it’s probably already disabled. It’ll usually be called something like “remote setup” or “Allow Setup over WAN.”
“Simply just disable this feature on your router’s settings page”
Ok, so now we’ve looked at the different types of baby monitors available, and we’ve found out that those connected to WiFi may have security issues. So let’s delve into another issue that WiFi-connected baby monitors have for those wondering ‘is my baby monitor safe?’
Electromagnetic waves
Mobile phones, WiFi, and baby monitors all emit electromagnetic waves, often referred to as EMF waves around your baby every day.
EMF exposure is divided into 2 categories:
Extremely low frequencies: (ELFs; 3–3,000 Hz), involving high-voltage transmission lines and in-house wiring
radio frequencies: (RFs; 30 kHz to 300 GHz), these frequencies relate to mobile phones, smart devices, internet-enabled baby monitors, base stations, WiFi, and 5G technologies
Why is an electromagnetic wave unsafe for babies?
There is evidence that babies are much more sensitive to these waves because their brain is still developing.
So much so, that it absorbs more waves than an adult brain.
According to recent scientific research from The Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University School of Medicine, a developing child’s brain is vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation.
The same research goes on to explain that the nervous systems of children are more vulnerable to the effects of electromagnetic waves than those of adults.
“According to recent scientific research
from The Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University School of Medicine,
a developing child’s brain is vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation.”
More information, more radiation
For anyone asking ‘is my baby monitor safe?’ it’s worth understanding that as more information is being sent, the more radiation it creates. Baby monitors are working at the same electromagnetic frequencies as your WiFi router, cordless phone, and microwaves. Some baby monitors have sensors for temperature and breathing, and some also stream an HD video image with the ability for parents to control the cameras.
“Baby monitors are working at the same electromagnetic frequencies as your WiFi router, cordless phone, and microwaves.”
So how does this electromagnetic frequency affect babies and small children?
Non-ionizing radiation
All wireless baby monitors produce non-Ionizing radiation. This type of radiation has two sorts of effects on the body:
Non-thermal effect.
Non-ionizing radiation does not penetrate too deeply into the tissues but can increase the chance of damage to the skin. However, non-ionising radiation could cause localized heating or photochemical reactions with the possibility of permanent harm.
So how can you make sure the baby monitors you buy are safe?
What can I do to make sure my baby monitor is safe?
Make sure you buy online from company’s displaying the padlock icon which protects and locks up digital activity
Set a secure password.
Choose a low emission baby monitor
Do not use baby monitors that transmit continuously
Place the baby monitor a few meters away from your baby
Fully unplug electrical appliances when not in use
Turn off WiFi and mobile phones overnight
And finally…
We hope our helpful article has given you some advice on making sure your sleeping baby is safe and sound by following some of our best tips.
Electrosmog and EMF pollution is all around us and millions of people worldwide are impacted by its negative effects.
Vita Chip transforms the harmful EMFs from everyday electrical devices into positive bio-resonant frequencies that improve both physical and mental health for you and your developing baby.